Portugal…Lagos…Holiday Photos…

Two years ago we were in Portugal for the Wedding of a lovely couple. We were only there for 3 nights so it was a very quick trip. It was our first time to Portugal and we were sad we weren’t able to stay longer and have more of a look around. What we did see we loved. We stayed where the Wedding was…the stunning Le Meridien Penina Golf & Resort.

One of the local towns is Lagos. On our last day…with large headaches from the terrific wedding the day/night before…we ventured into Lagos for a look around. It was such a pretty town. We really wished we could have spent more time there and hope to go back one day.

Have you been to Portugal before? Any must sees if we are lucky enough to head back there one day?


Family Holiday…Destination Fiji…


Last month we were lucky enough to have a week in Fiji for our first family holiday. It was my first time to Fiji and it did not disappoint…from the moment we landed until the moment we left it was excellent!

The Fijian people were so hospitable and in our experience couldn’t do enough for you. We had heard all of this from friends and family and we found out very quickly just how lovely they are.

H was a big hit and it wasn’t long before he developed an attachment for two lovely ladies. He would look for them every morning and flirt with them to get their attention…

With or without children it’s a wonderful holiday destination. We can’t wait to hopefully go back one day.

Here are some photos from the trip…

All photos copyright Jessica Flett

Some of the real highlights of the trip were…

Seeing H enjoy exploring, he had only been walking for two week when we went away so he was loving his new found independence.

Being serenaded by the lovely island band… they went around to each table and sang a song just to them…when they got to us they sang… ‘Burning ring of fire’ by Mr Johnny Cash (a highly interesting coincidence in light of how many curries had been on offer over the last 2 days!!!)

This was not a highlight but was definitely memorable. The most embarrassing moment was after H’s dinner one night…for his dinner we would head down to the main bar and have a drink whilst feeding him dinner. The gorgeous staff would be setting up for dinner and would come over and say hi and have a chat. This one evening the gorgeous Va took H for a walk to say Hi to the guys in the kitchen and when he came back he was wrapped in a towel…unbeknown to us he had gone to the bathroom and had leaked all over the lovely Va. We were mortified and she was sooo good about it… Ah the joys of parenthood!!

Vanaka to everyone at Vomo Island Resort, especially Va, Mere, Maria, Maci, Henry, Vuli, Sarah, Shane, Maddi and Noah for making our stay so special. We hope to see you again.

I would love to hear about your first family holiday…where was it, did you enjoy it and would you go back there?


The Airport…Happy Homecomings…

Yesterday morning H and I went out to the airport to meet N off the plane…I was very excited to have him home.

I love the airport…whether you’re coming or going it is a hive of activity with such a sense of anticipation and excitement.

It was a zoo out there yesterday…I am told Sunday is their busiest day and in the early morning there are many flights coming in at the same time…this all added to the excitement…and frustration..imagine trying to contain a busy toddler who if you allowed to walk around would surely get squashed. There was lots of dancing on the spot, waving to strangers, chirping and singing.

I loved watching all the happy welcomes and the many tearful homecomings…I couldn’t help but well up a little myself at seeing these happy reunions. There were lots balloons and flowers and lots and lots of hugging, kissing and tears. The whole scene reminded me very much of the ending of Love Actually (This is one of my favourite movies of all times)…

I finally spotted N walking out and when he was close enough I was able to point him out to H…and well…to see both their faces light up brought tears to my eyes…it was so gorgeous. When he reached us H fairly leapt out of my arms into his Daddy’s arm…SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!!!

There were lots of cuddles and chats on the way home…and when H woke from his morning sleep and heard his Dad’s voice…the excitement all over again was so funny and LOUD!

Welcome home honey…we missed you!!


Dreaming of Venice..

Image: Jessica Flett

I am currently going through our photos and putting together some photo books. I have most of our photos in albums but they can be quite big and bulky. I did a photo book of our wedding at the end of last year and I’m really happy with it. I gave one to each set of parents for Christmas…so they make great presents too. They look great on your bookshelf or on display. You have design control and it’s lovely to look through the glossy pages of a book.

It’s a long process and I’m taking my time as there’s no rush.

I have just been looking at our trip a couple of years ago to Italy and thought I would share some of the photos from Venice with you…

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett
Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett
Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett

Image: Jessica Flett