Photo Challenge – Photo a day August…

Happy Friday all… I hope you all have lovely things planned for Father’s day on Sunday.

This month I tried out the Instagram photo a day challenge – #photoadayaug… I discovered it via the lovely Sarah from A Beach Cottage who passed it on from Chantelle at FATMUMSLIM

You don’t have to play on Instagram… you can take photos with any camera you have and post it anywhere… twitter, facebook or just keep it for yourself.

This is the list from August… I really enjoyed it. It made me think outside the square a bit and really look at things around me. Some days I found easier than others…

I am already looking forward to the September challenge…. which I have posted at the end of this post. A huge thank you to Chantelle for helping to inspire and challenge. I hope you give it a go… it’s a lot of fun…

Here are my photos from August. If you want to follow me on Instagram I am @jmkflett.

I hope you have a great weekend and you hop on board the photo challenge for September.
If you want more info on how to play photo a day click here.

Happy Friday Flowers…


Sorry for my absence yesterday. It has been a crazy week and I now have a grizzly sick son (I’m hoping it’s just teeth and not a bug)

I’m running on little sleep so forgive me for not doing my usual Happy Friday links…I will try for Sunday.

I thought I would share with you some flowers I have in the house at the moment…

I hope you all have a great weekend. We have a 21st tomorrow night…looking forward to celebrating with you Tigger and Sissy (you’re making me feel old!!).
And finally…a big congratulations to the H family on the safe and exciting arrival of their beautiful baby boy.
